From the markets we will conclude that, the price of furniture with caster wheels is average more two or three hundred Yuan than the price the furniture. In fact, you can purchase the caster wheels to install by yourself.
A numbers of caster wheels are appeared in the market nowadays, whose prices are ranging from 2~3 Yuan to 30~40 Yuan. According to the sales introduce, the caster wheels have plastic wheels and rubble wheels for different conditions. Because the caster wheels are directly contacting with the ground, if you choose the improper one, it will greatly shorten the life of caster wheels, and may damage the ground.
If the house is spreading the wood floor, you'd better use the resilient rubber, polyurethane or synthetic rubber tire super-sub, to protect the wooden floor. Abrasion resistance and flexibility of plastic caster wheels are less than the rubber wheels, but the price is cheaper, which are proper to the lighter load-bearing furniture or ground tile. The caster wheels are generally matched with the buckle. When the furniture is moved to the appropriate location, you can flip the buckle to fix, so as to avoid moving itself.