The rapid development of the motor industry has become the main impetus of improving polyurethane wheels.Because the motor wheels is an important part of cars, affecting themotor vehicle performance. Because of the unique abrasion resistance ofthe polyurethane elasticity and its excellent mechanical properties,polyurethane wheels have been invented and applied into motors in the 60th of the 20th century.
Thanks to good abrasion resistance and avulsion of the polyurethane wheels,this kind wheel has now got great popularity in the wheels fields.Polyurethane wheels are superior to the traditional wheels in manyaspects. The carrying-load ability of the polyurethane wheels of thesame size as the rubber wheels is more sixth or seventh times largerthan the rubber wheels. During the process of the polyurethane wheels,there is few waster materials. The more important point lies in that thewaster parts can be used to create new polyurethane products. Polyurethane wheels' manufacturing technology is very simple-liquidcasting. Polyurethane wheels are considered as environment –friendlywheels.
Environmental protection type wheels become the hot topic in the wheels researching. As the improvement made in the polyurethane wheels in terms of materials performance and producing technology, polyurethane wheels have bright prospect in the future.